This typical image, well known in the Renaissance, does not appear to derive from any classical model. Hercules is depicted with his arms locked round the waist of Antaeus, his feet dangling and feature twisted in pain, levers himself with an arm against Hercules's head in a vain attempt to free himself. Hercules held him in the air in a vice-like grip, until he weakened and died. According to Appolodorus, on his way back from the Hesperides, Hercules engaged in a wrestling match with the giant Antaeus who was invincible so long as some part of him touched the earth, from which he drew his strength. (Hercules wrestles with Antaeus) The scene was a popular subject in sculpture. In black figure versions of this painting he is held aloft Side A: Herakles and AntaiosHerakles and Antaios This is one of Herakles twelve labours Antaios gained strenght from Mother earth. Both figures are nude, with the well-defined anatomy characteristic of the artist. Side A: Herakles and AntaiosHerakles and Antaios Herakles and Antaios grapple in the center of the composition. Red figure technique It is thus like a reverse of black figure with detail executed by a brush rather than a graver, which gave the artist more freedom for the new, realistic style he sought to express. Red-figure technique The red-figure technique for figure and other decoration on vases involves the painting of outline, with linear detail, and the background filled with black. The technique disappears before the end of the 4th century BC. Red-figure technique A relief line is used on the earlier vases, and varying thicknesses of paint lent an illusion of texture. Preliminary work could involve rough sketches, perhaps in charcoal, which just bruise the surface of the vase, and a broad band outlining the figures.

Red-figure technique It was invented in Athens about 525 BC, perhaps inspired by other arts in which figures are set against a dark background. They appear to have been a close-knit group, naming each other on their vases They were competitive rivaling one another in their attempts to depict naturalistic bodies in challenging poses.

Pioneer Group First painters realize the potential of the new red figure technique invented ca. Height: 46 cm Diameter at neck 55cm Subject: Side A: Herakles vs Antaios Side B: Flute Recital Height: 46 cm Diameter."- Presentation transcript:Įuphronius Calyx Krater Vase: Calyx Krater Potter & Painter: Euphronios signed Date: 510 - 500 B.C. Euphronius Calyx Krater Vase: Calyx Krater Potter & Painter: Euphronios signed Date: 510 - 500 B.C. Presentation on theme: "Euphronius & The Pioneers.